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----  塞浦路斯房地产价格持续走高,探索最热门的海景公寓项目  (http://bbs.cjiyou.net/dispbbs.asp?boardid=27&id=509965)

--  作者:cjiyou
--  发布时间:2024/9/6 23:51:00
--  塞浦路斯房地产价格持续走高,探索最热门的海景公寓项目

 2024年09月04日 22:35

在塞浦路斯房地产市场逐渐成为全球购房者的新焦点之际,一则实时新闻再次将这一趋势推向高潮。根据塞浦路斯房地产经纪人注册委员会发布的一份报告显示,在2024年第二季度,塞浦路斯房地产市场成为全球买家的首选。塞浦路斯房地产经纪人注册委员会主席Marinos Kineyirou表示,别墅价格持续走高,使买家的兴趣转向了购买公寓。当地买家的收入水平使他们无法获得银行的住房贷款,公寓市场前景良好。

As Cyprus continues to emerge as a new hotspot for global property buyers, a recent news report has further amplified this growing trend. According to a report released by the Cyprus Real Estate Agents Registration Council, the Cypriot real estate market has become the top choice for international buyers in the second quarter of 2024. Marinos Kineyirou, Chairman of the Council, noted that the rising prices of villas are increasingly shifting buyer interest towards purchasing apartments. He also mentioned that the income levels of local buyers are limiting their access to bank mortgages, making the apartment market particularly promising.