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cjiyou 发表于:2013/8/12 23:24:00





KM#110. In 1985, the People's Republic of China issued a quantity of 1 Yuan coins commemorating the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region. While this was a commemorative coin, it was actually issued for circulation. About that time, a numismatic firm with offices in Kowloon, Hong Kong, and Tarzana, CA, USA, contracted with the China Mint for a two piece proof set of this coinage. The set was to be comprised of a 10 Yuan in proof silver and a 1 Yuan in proof copper-nickel. The two pieces in a deluxe lacquer case. The entire issue of the two piece proof sets were for that firm. When the sets arrived in Tarzana it was discovered that while the 10 Yuan was in beautiful proof silver, the matching 1 Yuan was a special circulation strike, something like a matte proof, and was only made in the quantity of proof sets in special uncirculated quality strike. However, this is not what the contract called for and the China mint then struck full proof 1 Yuans to replace coins in the proof set. All the sets were sold and in recent years, this two piece set has traded for as much as $500 and more. This left the special 1 Yuan coins, which were more in the nature of the specimen strike, and this is what we offer here in the original capsule. This very minuscule issue of this special 1 Yuan coin must be considered somewhat rare and very special.


KM#110. 1985 年,中华人民共和国发行了大量 1 元硬币,纪念西藏自治区成立 20 周年。这些虽然是纪念币,但实际上是为流通发行的。大约在那段时间前后,一个在香港九龙和加州 Tarzana 都有分部的钱币公司和中国造币公司签约,发行此种钱币的两枚精制币套装。该套装应包含一枚 10 元精制银币,和一枚 1 元精制铜镍币,装在一个豪华的漆盒里。该两枚套币的发行完全由该公司负责。当这些套币送达 Tarzana 时,该公司发现虽然 10 元的精制银币非常漂亮,但配套的 1 元铜镍币却是特制的流通版,类似于毛面精制版,而且其数量只限于精制套币的数量,采取的是特殊的非流通高质量压印。但这不符合合同规定,因此中国造币公司又补铸了 1 元全精制币来替换精制套币里原来的币。所有的套币最后都销售完毕。近几年中,该两枚的套币售价在 $500 美元以上。这样,这些特殊的 1 元硬币就多了出来。这些硬币实质上是特制币,我们此处所出售的就是这样一枚装在原盒中的币。该特殊的 1 元硬币发行量极低,应视为珍稀和非常特别。

    买家522日收到该币,卖主就是发行西藏、新疆套币及詹天佑银币的The Money Company公司总裁。以下是他给买家的信及译文:

Hi, I hope you enjoy the coin when you receive it.  There should be no speculation in China as to the history of the coin.  It is quiet simple.  I am the President and the CEO of the Money Company of the World Inc.  We operate under several divisions which are primarily the Money Company, Econo Coin Company, American National Mint, Silver State Token and at one time the Money Company Traders of Hong Kong. The last entity is not in business as we sold our real estate in Hong Kong and closed the Company prior to the reversion to China.  At the same time we sold the Hong Kong International Coin Expo which we had founded and owned.  During the course of the years of the HKICE we developed a relationship with the Chine Mint.  So for several years the China Mint had a table at our coin show and for each of these years they issued a special commemorative Panda made for the show. During this time I would visit the mint once or twice a year in Beijing. After negotiations at that time, we obtained a contract with the Mint to produce exclusively for us 3 different issues. The first of these issues was a proof set version of the Tibet coin that was issued for circulation.  We had no connection with the circulating coin, only the proof set version that was made for us.  Next we obtained a contract for the same kind of situation.  This was for the Sinkiang region coin. We had no connection with the circulating coin, only the proof set which was made strictly for us.  There was also a very large silver railroad  coin which was also made strictly for us.  I think this explains the situation as clearly as possible.  Unfortunately, we sold virtually all of these coins at that time.  A number of years later when the price of these coins went so high, we were very sad that we had sold almost all of the coins.  We had in our archives only a few of all the coins.  Normally, I would not make such a long explanation of the origin of these coins but as your interest seemed so sincere, I thought I would tell you the whole story.


Richard Nelson

你好,我希望你收到那枚币后会喜欢它。中国那边对这枚币的历史无须猜测。其实很简单。我是Money Company of the World Inc.的总裁兼首席执行官。我们有几家分公司,主要挂在Money CompanyEcono Coin CompanyAmerican National MintSilver State Token和从前的Money Company Traders of Hong Kong等名下。最后这家公司已经不复存在,因为我们在转入中国以前卖掉了在香港的地产并关闭了这家公司。同时我们也卖掉了亲手创建和拥有的香港国际硬币展销会。在经营香港国际硬币展销会期间,我们和中国造币公司拉上了关系。中国造币公司有好几年在我们展销会上租台子,并发行为展销会特制的熊猫纪念章。在此期间,我每年去北京一两次,造访中国造币公司。经过谈判以后,我们拿到了中国造币公司的一份合同,为我们独家生产三个品种。第一个品种是西藏流通普制币的精制套币版。流通币与我们无关,我们要的是特制的精制套币。随后我们拿到了一份类似的合同,这回是新疆币的。同样情况,流通币与我们不沾边,而是为我们独家生产精制套币。另外还有一枚专为我们铸造的很大的铁路币(詹天佑银币 -译者)。我想情况应该讲得很清楚了。不幸的是我们当时几乎卖光了所有这些币。过了几年,这些币的价格扶摇直上,我们非常懊悔当时把币几乎都卖光了,手里仅留下寥寥数枚。我通常不会长篇大论地讲解这些币的出处,但是你的兴趣如此真诚,我想最好把真相全部告诉你。

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