For 80 years now, the Liechtenstein Red Cross has been putting its activities at the service of humanity. With the two special stamps “Rescue” (face value CHF 1.20) and “Protect” (face value CHF 1.90), we are focusing on the long tradition of helping people at home and abroad.
该组织于1945年在列支敦士登吉娜大公夫人的倡议下成立。成立的契机是当时大批难民聚集在公国边境,战争最后阶段成千上万的人在此寻求帮助。从那时起,在列支敦士登红十字会的保护下,各种援助机构不断发展,1985年,大公夫人玛丽殿下接任主席职位。2015年由世袭大公的夫人索菲接任。The organization was founded in 1945 on the initiative of H.S.H. Princess Gina von und zu Liechtenstein. This was prompted by the plight of refugees on the Principality's border, where thousands of people were seeking help in the final days of the war. Since then, various aid structures have grown under the umbrella of the Liechtenstein Red Cross, whose presidency was passed on to H.S.H. Princess Marie in 1985 and Hereditary Princess Sophie in 2015.救援服务和献血活动已经成为红十字会为父母提供服务的重要组成部分。除了开展海外援助和培训课程外,红十字会还运营着“加曼德之家”(Haus Gamander)。该机构成立于1956年,最初是为国内孤儿设立的儿童之家,自1992年以来,一直为来自战争和危机地区的儿童提供度假住宿。在为期三周的假期里,这些儿童可以在列支敦士登度过一段无忧无虑的时光。
The rescue service and blood donation campaigns have also become an integral part of the Red Cross's services for mothers and fathers. In addition to foreign aid and courses, the LRC also runs “Haus Gamander”. Founded in 1956 as a children's home for domestic orphans, it has been available to children from war and crisis zones for a vacation stay since 1992. During their three-week vacation, the children can spend a carefree time here in Liechtenstein.