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123456 发表于:2009/7/18 23:24:00
图片点击可在新窗口打开查看  上海卢工集邮品交易市场经营管理有限公司(以下简称卢工邮市)是上海卢湾区总工会于一九八三年创办的,现位于上海市局门路600号的卢工体育场内,与规划中的2010年世博会址相邻。上世纪后期,卢工抓住机遇,投资改建,变地摊交易为正规的邮币卡交换市场,首创了具有较大营业规模、较为先进设备装置、较为完善综合管理的卢工邮市模式,卢工已成为国内外知名的邮币卡交换市场,其邮、币、卡成交价格已成为国内邮币卡市场的“晴雨表”。

图片点击可在新窗口打开查看  邮市配置了先进的遥控监视器和110联网的防盗报警系统,电话、传真通讯设备一应俱全。卢工设有客房部、卖品部和餐厅,并提供游泳池、溜冰场、乒乓馆、弹子房等娱乐设施,方便广大爱好者吃住行乐等后勤综合服务。

Shanghai Lugong Stamp Collection Exchange Market Manage Co.,Ltd

  Shanghai Lugong Stamp Collection Exchange Market Manage Co.,Ltd, which has a history of sixteen years, was founded by the Labor Union of Luwan District in 1983。 Since October 1996, Labor Palaestra Stamp Collection Exchange Market of Luwan District has experienced a great reconstruction, reformed an informal market into a formal one, and created a mode with a wider trading scope, a more advanced equipment and a further developed management。
Labor Palaestra Stamp Collection Exchange Market of Luwan District has enjoyed its fame both inside and outside the country.

  Labor Palaestra Stamp Collection Exchange Market of Luwan District has more than 4000㎡, and is made up of an indoor-market, a stamp-card lounge, and an exchange square. It has thousands of loges and chairs for the stamp exchange, and can hold millions of people all day long.

  A teahouse and a gallery are kept on the second floor especially for the stamp-collectors. What’s more, Labor Palaestra Stamp Collection Exchange Market of Luwan District is the first to build its stamp library, to publish the editorial, “Luwan Labor Palaestra Stamp Post”, and to deliver its information about the stamp-collecting on the Internet. Besides, Labor Palaestra Stamp Collection Exchange Market of Luwan District has organized the saloon for the stamp-collectors and the stamp dealers respectively; given the lectures about the stamp exhibition, stamp evaluation, and stamp reservation; and supported many other academic researches. It is its character that Labor Palaestra Stamp Collection Exchange Market of Luwan District is based on the culture of stamps. And Labor Palaestra Stamp Collection Exchange Market of Luwan District is directed under the spirit of ‘meeting the need of the public investment, communication and interest’. Labor Palaestra Stamp Collection Exchange Market of Luwan District is also the standing contact office for the National Sodality of the stamp markets.

  Labor Palaestra Stamp Collection Exchange Market of Luwan District is equipped with the remote controlled monitors and 110 anti-burglar network. And it offers an easy access to the communicating tools such as the telephone and fax. Boarding and loading is available here. Besides, there are a swimming pool, a skating hall, and shops.

  ‘East and West, We are the best’. We’re expecting you to come here, Labor Palaestra Stamp Collection Exchange Market of Luwan District.
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