一个1897年的信封贴着Emerald Lady邮票。 In the 20 years since Jeffrey Schneider's first Hong Kong stamp auction, demand for Chinese issues has exploded. 'It's such a booming market because you have the influence of China, and an enormous Chinese diaspora too, and they tend to collect Chinese stamps whether they're living in the U.S., Scandinavia or South America,' he says. Back in 1990, Mr. Schneider was working at Christie's, which that autumn tested the appetite for rare Asian stamps with a modest sale. This past weekend, as a principal with stamp specialists Interasia Auctions Ltd., he oversaw an auction of more than 2,000 Chinese stamps that realized in excess of 61 million Hong Kong dollars (about US$8 million) -- a Hong Kong stamp-auction record and more than 33% above the presale estimate. Several lots sold for more than HK$1 million, including an envelope from 1897 bearing two Emerald Lady stamps that went for HK$2.99 million. 自从20年前杰弗里•施奈德(Jeffrey Schneider)在香港举行邮票拍卖以来,市场对中国邮票的需求出现了爆炸性增长。他说,这是一个如此繁荣兴旺的市场,因为你有中国的影响,还有大量居住在海外的华人,无论这些人是居住在美国、北欧还是南美,他们总会收集中国的邮票。1990年时,施奈德就职于佳士得拍卖公司(Christie's),该公司那年秋天测试了一下市场对稀有亚洲邮票的喜好程度,拍卖情况不温不火。而在刚刚过去的这个周末,作为专业性邮票拍卖公司Interasia Auctions Ltd.的一位负责人,施奈德监督拍卖了2,000多枚中国邮票,实现拍卖收入6,100多万港元(约合800万美元),创下了香港邮票拍卖的历史纪录,拍卖额比原先估计的高出33%以上。一些邮品拍出的价格超过100万港元,其中包括一个1897年的信封,上贴两枚Emerald Lady邮票,这件邮品拍出的价格为299万港元。
Mr. Schneider talked to Duncan Mavin in Hong Kong about how to build a collection of rare stamps. The following interview has been edited. 施奈德近日在香港接受了《华尔街日报》(WSJ)记者Duncan Mavin的采访,谈了如何积累稀有邮票藏品的问题。以下为经过编辑的访谈内容。
WSJ: What makes a stamp valuable? WSJ:一枚邮票何以变得贵重?
Mr. Schneider: People come to me and say, I have this Guatemalan stamp and there's only one known -- but if there are not two collectors that doesn't matter. It's a combination of rarity and demand. 施奈德:人们会找到我说,我手里的这张危地马拉邮票据信只有一张存世──但如果不存在两个以上的邮票收藏家,他说的这一点就没有意义。邮票之所以贵重,是因为有稀缺性和市场需求这两方面的原因。
WSJ: What are the chances your childhood stamp collection is valuable? WSJ:我们儿时收集的邮票有多大机会能成为值钱货?
Mr. Schneider: Over the years there have been some legendary discoveries. I've had a few. Normally the rule of thumb is to have something valuable you have to have spent some money on it, but people can pick things up in flea markets. 施奈德:这些年中邮票市场上出现过一些传奇性发现。我也淘到过一些珍贵邮票。保险的做法是收集那些你必须得多花点钱才能买到的邮票,但人们也能在跳蚤市场上“捡漏”。 WSJ: How can I start collecting stamps seriously? WSJ:我如何能开始认真收集邮票?
Mr. Schneider: Knowledge is important. Large stamp brokers such as Stanley Gibbons issue catalogues that give very detailed stamp classifications. It's only a sketchy reflection of the market value, but to actually classify the stamps that's where you'd start. 施奈德:具备相关知识是重要的。Stanley Gibbons等大型邮票经纪商会发行对邮票进行非常细致分类的邮票目录。虽然它们只能粗率反映邮票的市场价值,但如果你真的想对邮票进行分类,应该从研究这些目录开始。
WSJ: Should I be concerned about fraud? WSJ:我应该担心被骗吗?
Mr. Schneider: When stamps are selling for millions of dollars, the temptation to forge is strong. So go to a reputable dealer for guidance. There are also recognized expert committees where you can submit your stamps for authentification. 施奈德:当邮票被卖到数百万美元时,伪造它们的诱惑就会很强。所以你应该找有信誉的邮票经纪商寻求指导。社会上还有一些被公认具有专业素养的专家委员会,你可以把收集到的邮票提交给他们去鉴别。
WSJ: What particular categories of stamps are strong right now in China? WSJ:目前在中国哪些种类的邮票深受市场青睐?
Mr. Schneider: Stamps from the Cultural Revolution have become very popular; the value of Chinese stamps from the '60s and '70s is enormous. The value of stamps of the same era from Belgium, the U.K. or the U.S. is less than the face value. 施奈德:“文革”期间的邮票变得很受欢迎;中国上世纪六、七十年代的邮票有巨大价值。而比利时、英国和美国同时期的邮票目前市场价还不及面值。
The most romantic of all issues for Chinese collectors are the stamps known as the 'Red Revenues.' In 1897, China changed its currency. Its stamps, including revenue stamps used to pay certain taxes, were in the old currency. China ordered new stamps from Japan but they didn't arrive on time, so the government surcharged old stamps with the new values. The revenue stamps are red, and that's a lucky color for Chinese collectors. 对中国集邮者来说,最具浪漫色彩的是“红印花票加盖暂作邮票”。1897年,中国更换了货币。当时的邮票,以及用于支付某些税赋的印花票,依然以旧货币标明面值。中国从日本新订购了一批邮票,但这些邮票未能及时到货,所以政府将所存印好未用的印花票加盖“大清邮政”及“暂作洋银”等字样,暂作邮票使用。这些印花票是红色的,对中国收藏者来说红色也是吉祥的颜色。
WSJ: How do I look after my collection? WSJ:我要如何照看自己的藏品?
Mr. Schneider: Always buy quality stamps from reputable sources. Storage is a problem; I've seen many collections held in humid countries just turn brown. You have to keep them in a room with a constant temperature with a dehumidifier. 施奈德:坚持从有信誉的销售渠道购买高质量的邮票。邮票储存是个问题。我看到过许多收藏在气候潮湿国家的邮票都颜色发褐了。你必须把邮票保存在恒温的房间内,屋内要安装减湿器。
一个1897年的信封贴着Emerald Lady邮票。 In the 20 years since Jeffrey Schneider's first Hong Kong stamp auction, demand for Chinese issues has exploded. 'It's such a booming market because you have the influence of China, and an enormous Chinese diaspora too, and they tend to collect Chinese stamps whether they're living in the U.S., Scandinavia or South America,' he says. Back in 1990, Mr. Schneider was working at Christie's, which that autumn tested the appetite for rare Asian stamps with a modest sale. This past weekend, as a principal with stamp specialists Interasia Auctions Ltd., he oversaw an auction of more than 2,000 Chinese stamps that realized in excess of 61 million Hong Kong dollars (about US$8 million) -- a Hong Kong stamp-auction record and more than 33% above the presale estimate. Several lots sold for more than HK$1 million, including an envelope from 1897 bearing two Emerald Lady stamps that went for HK$2.99 million. 自从20年前杰弗里•施奈德(Jeffrey Schneider)在香港举行邮票拍卖以来,市场对中国邮票的需求出现了爆炸性增长。他说,这是一个如此繁荣兴旺的市场,因为你有中国的影响,还有大量居住在海外的华人,无论这些人是居住在美国、北欧还是南美,他们总会收集中国的邮票。1990年时,施奈德就职于佳士得拍卖公司(Christie's),该公司那年秋天测试了一下市场对稀有亚洲邮票的喜好程度,拍卖情况不温不火。而在刚刚过去的这个周末,作为专业性邮票拍卖公司Interasia Auctions Ltd.的一位负责人,施奈德监督拍卖了2,000多枚中国邮票,实现拍卖收入6,100多万港元(约合800万美元),创下了香港邮票拍卖的历史纪录,拍卖额比原先估计的高出33%以上。一些邮品拍出的价格超过100万港元,其中包括一个1897年的信封,上贴两枚Emerald Lady邮票,这件邮品拍出的价格为299万港元。
Mr. Schneider talked to Duncan Mavin in Hong Kong about how to build a collection of rare stamps. The following interview has been edited. 施奈德近日在香港接受了《华尔街日报》(WSJ)记者Duncan Mavin的采访,谈了如何积累稀有邮票藏品的问题。以下为经过编辑的访谈内容。
WSJ: What makes a stamp valuable? WSJ:一枚邮票何以变得贵重?
Mr. Schneider: People come to me and say, I have this Guatemalan stamp and there's only one known -- but if there are not two collectors that doesn't matter. It's a combination of rarity and demand. 施奈德:人们会找到我说,我手里的这张危地马拉邮票据信只有一张存世──但如果不存在两个以上的邮票收藏家,他说的这一点就没有意义。邮票之所以贵重,是因为有稀缺性和市场需求这两方面的原因。
WSJ: What are the chances your childhood stamp collection is valuable? WSJ:我们儿时收集的邮票有多大机会能成为值钱货?
Mr. Schneider: Over the years there have been some legendary discoveries. I've had a few. Normally the rule of thumb is to have something valuable you have to have spent some money on it, but people can pick things up in flea markets. 施奈德:这些年中邮票市场上出现过一些传奇性发现。我也淘到过一些珍贵邮票。保险的做法是收集那些你必须得多花点钱才能买到的邮票,但人们也能在跳蚤市场上“捡漏”。 WSJ: How can I start collecting stamps seriously? WSJ:我如何能开始认真收集邮票?
Mr. Schneider: Knowledge is important. Large stamp brokers such as Stanley Gibbons issue catalogues that give very detailed stamp classifications. It's only a sketchy reflection of the market value, but to actually classify the stamps that's where you'd start. 施奈德:具备相关知识是重要的。Stanley Gibbons等大型邮票经纪商会发行对邮票进行非常细致分类的邮票目录。虽然它们只能粗率反映邮票的市场价值,但如果你真的想对邮票进行分类,应该从研究这些目录开始。
WSJ: Should I be concerned about fraud? WSJ:我应该担心被骗吗?
Mr. Schneider: When stamps are selling for millions of dollars, the temptation to forge is strong. So go to a reputable dealer for guidance. There are also recognized expert committees where you can submit your stamps for authentification. 施奈德:当邮票被卖到数百万美元时,伪造它们的诱惑就会很强。所以你应该找有信誉的邮票经纪商寻求指导。社会上还有一些被公认具有专业素养的专家委员会,你可以把收集到的邮票提交给他们去鉴别。
WSJ: What particular categories of stamps are strong right now in China? WSJ:目前在中国哪些种类的邮票深受市场青睐?
Mr. Schneider: Stamps from the Cultural Revolution have become very popular; the value of Chinese stamps from the '60s and '70s is enormous. The value of stamps of the same era from Belgium, the U.K. or the U.S. is less than the face value. 施奈德:“文革”期间的邮票变得很受欢迎;中国上世纪六、七十年代的邮票有巨大价值。而比利时、英国和美国同时期的邮票目前市场价还不及面值。
The most romantic of all issues for Chinese collectors are the stamps known as the 'Red Revenues.' In 1897, China changed its currency. Its stamps, including revenue stamps used to pay certain taxes, were in the old currency. China ordered new stamps from Japan but they didn't arrive on time, so the government surcharged old stamps with the new values. The revenue stamps are red, and that's a lucky color for Chinese collectors. 对中国集邮者来说,最具浪漫色彩的是“红印花票加盖暂作邮票”。1897年,中国更换了货币。当时的邮票,以及用于支付某些税赋的印花票,依然以旧货币标明面值。中国从日本新订购了一批邮票,但这些邮票未能及时到货,所以政府将所存印好未用的印花票加盖“大清邮政”及“暂作洋银”等字样,暂作邮票使用。这些印花票是红色的,对中国收藏者来说红色也是吉祥的颜色。
WSJ: How do I look after my collection? WSJ:我要如何照看自己的藏品?
Mr. Schneider: Always buy quality stamps from reputable sources. Storage is a problem; I've seen many collections held in humid countries just turn brown. You have to keep them in a room with a constant temperature with a dehumidifier. 施奈德:坚持从有信誉的销售渠道购买高质量的邮票。邮票储存是个问题。我看到过许多收藏在气候潮湿国家的邮票都颜色发褐了。你必须把邮票保存在恒温的房间内,屋内要安装减湿器。