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123456 发表于:2009/10/5 16:34:00

By Sean Poulter

作者: 肖恩波尔特
Last updated at 6:51 PM on 30th September 2009在6:51最后更新于09年9月30日下午

Plans to let Royal Mail put up the price of a First Class stamp by a record 3p have been slammed by business leaders and consumers.计划让英国皇家邮政搭起记录已3p的一等邮票价格由商界领袖和消费者的抨击。

The Daily Mail revealed today how the industry regulator is planning to allow the Royal Mail to impose a series of inflation-busting increases.每日邮报今天透露,如何在行业监管正计划让英国皇家邮政实行一系列的通货膨胀,破坏增加。

First class post would go up 3p to 42p while second class would rise by 2p to 32p.一流的员额将上升到42便士,而3p二等将通过二路引起32P的。


Here we go again: The price of stamps last increased in April this year在这里,我们又来了:在过去的邮票价格在今年4月增加

Other price rises on parcels and special delivery are also in the pipeline, according to documents compiled by the industry regulator Postcomm.在包裹其他价格的上涨和特殊的传递也在管道,根据行业监管邮政监管机构编制的文件。

Currently, Royal Mail management and the Communication Workers Union (CWU) are locked in a bitter battle that has brought rolling strikes and a massive backlog of mail.目前,皇家邮政管理和通讯工人工会(CWU)陷入了一场激烈的战斗中带来了滚动的罢工和大规模的邮件积压。

Some 130,000 CWU members are currently being balloted on whether to carry out a full national strike.有些130,000 CWU成员抽签目前正在就是否进行了全面的全国罢工。

However, both management and unions have come out in favour of big increases in the cost of postage.不过,管理层和工会中出来的邮资费用大幅增长了赞成票。

Director general of the British Chambers of Commerce, David Frost, described the threat of higher charges as 'totally unacceptable'.主任商务部, 戴维弗罗斯特 ,英国商会一般描述为'提高收费完全不能接受的威胁'。

'I cannot believe that customers face being asked to pay more for a service that is diminishing rapidly. '我不能相信,客户面临被要求支付的服务更是迅速减少。
  The way things are going, Royal Mail seems to be in total disarray,' he said.该事态的进展,英国皇家邮政似乎处于完全瘫痪状态,'他说。

'It is totally unacceptable to press for price rises at a time when the postal service is embroiled in a huge industrial dispute that has been dragging on for months. '这是完全不能接受的物价上涨时,记者在邮政服务是一个巨大的劳资纠纷已拖了几个月的时间卷入。

'These people are totally divorced from reality.' '这些人完全脱离现实。

The Forum of Private Business also hit out.民营商业论坛也被击中了。
  A spokesman said: 'While an increase of a few pence on the price of a stamp might not sound like much, many of our members already spend thousands on postage costs every year.一位发言人说:虽然在几个便士邮票的价格上涨听起来并不多',我们的许多成员已经花运费每年都有数千。

'Along with the other creeping charges and price rises it has introduced, Royal Mail's move will significantly add to that bill at a time when small businesses are desperately struggling to control costs. '随着其他爬行费用和物价上涨有介绍,皇家邮政的举措将大大一次添加到该法案,小型企业正在拼命努力控制成本。

'These spiralling costs, in return for what many believe is a declining service, are simply unsustainable as far as small business customers are concerned.' '这些费用不断增加,为许多人认为是下降的服务,只是尽可能小企业客户而言不可持续的回报。


Rising prices: The stamp increase follows news that Royal Mail plans to charge firms £3,150 a year for guaranteed morning deliveries物价上涨:在邮票增加如下消息,英国皇家邮政收费的计划早交货保证公司三点一五○英镑一年

John Wright, the national chairman of the Federation of Small Businesses , said: 'Members have made it very clear that an increase in postal charges is not acceptable to them.约翰赖特,对小企业联盟全国主席,说:'大家已很清楚,在邮政加价是他们所不能接受的。

'Stamp price increases would be particularly unfortunate at this already difficult time for small firms. '邮票价格上涨将是特别不幸在这个小公司已经艰难的时刻。

'Royal Mail is in desperate need of reform and modernisation but all too often it seems the small business community is drawing the short straw.' '皇家邮政。在改革开放和现代化,但往往似乎小型企业社区正在制定短期急需稻草'

Chief executive of the official customer body, Consumer Focus, Ed Mayo, said the public were being asked to pay for failure at the Royal Mail.首席客户的官方机构,消费者焦点,埃德梅奥主管表示,公众被要求支付失败的皇家邮政。

'The only reason to hike up the price of a stamp is because Royal Mail has failed to modernise as a business,' he said. '的唯一原因了邮票的价格上涨,是因为英国皇家邮政没有现代化作为一个企业,'他说。

'Increasing the price of stamps is not the answer. '提高邮票的价格不是问题的答案。
  It can only make it more likely that mail volumes decline.这只能使其更加可能邮件数量下降。

'The price has increased year on year with no sign of an improvement in the service.  More recently its been getting worse than ever.' '的价格比去年同期增加,没有一个在服务改善的迹象。最近它比以往任何时候被越来越差。

The group Age Concern/Help the Aged styles itself as a champion of the elderly.该组织老龄问题/帮助作为老人冠军老年人本身风格。
  However, it had no opinion on the higher cost of stamps.但是,它没有对邮票成本较高的意见。

A spokesman said: 'We are not interested in commenting on this.'一位发言人说:'我们不评论这感兴趣。

By contrast the general secretary of the CWU, Billy Hayes, was keen to comment and welcomed the planned increase in the cost of stamps.与此相反的CWU,比利海耶斯总书记,热衷于评论,并欢迎在邮票计划增加的成本。

He said: 'Royal Mail has suffered decades of under-investment and is now facing the huge challenge of modernising the business.他说:'皇家邮政遭受了20年的投资不足,现在面临着现代化企业的巨大挑战。

'We believe that stamp prices should be more reflective of the true cost of mail services and obviously welcome the investment that a rise will bring. '我们认为,邮票的价格应该更多地反映了邮政服务的真实成本和明显的投资表示欢迎,一个崛起会带来什么。

'Stamp prices have risen by less than the price of inflation for the last 20 years so we feel Royal Mail is justified in this modest increase. '邮票的价格已经上涨了较通胀价格低于过去20年,所以我们觉得皇家邮政在这略有增加合理的。

'We hope that the extra revenue will be used for both equipment and as direct investment in the workforce. '我们希望的额外收入将用于设备和用作劳动力直接投资。
  Postal workers deserve to be rewarded for the job they do.'邮政工人理应为他们的工作奖励。

Postcomm is expected to rubber stamp the price rises following a period of consultation over the next month.邮政监管机构预计橡皮图章价格上涨的磋商后,在接下来的一个月时间。
  Royal Mail would then have the power to push up postal costs from April.英国皇家邮政便拥有的权力来推动从4月邮政费用。

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-5 16:34:33编辑过]
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