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一飞 发表于:2009/5/24 22:22:00





This exhibit of imperforate classic stamps of Spain includes all the issues from January 1, 1854 to December 31, 1859. It could be considered to be divided into two major parts:


-Stamps with the Spanish Coat of arms, issued on January 1, 1854 (coloured paper) and again on November 1 of the same year (fine white paper).

-Stamps of Elisabeth II issued on April 1, 1855 (paper with bow water-mark), the same stamps and face values on January 1, 1856 (paper with crossed lines water-mark) and finally the same stamps and face values on April 11, 1856 (white paper without a water-mark).


The catalogues usually consider the Elisabeth II issues to be three different ones because of the distinct paper and light variety in some colours. The three types of paper are used for sheets of 170 stamps until 1856, and from 1857 in sheets of 200 stamps, although in 1858 the sheets were only of 100 stamps. Of the two first papers there are no complete sheets left, and there are serious doubts about the existence of any sheet of 170 stamps on white paper without the water-mark. There are however sheets of 100 and 200 stamps with good margins.


This issue is therefore one of the longest lasting, nearly five years, and here it lies its philatelic interest. This leads to a development of a great variety of postmarks on these stamps, not only because many of those already in operation were on them (spider, grill, date-stamp and many other prephilatelic postmarks) but also because between 1855 and 1859 new postmarks appeared such as the 1857 date-stamp and the 1858 cart-wheel.







由于纸张的不同和一些小的颜色变异,邮票目录一般将伊丽莎白二世邮票分为三组。用于三种不同纸张的该票中,1856年以前印制的整版邮票为170,1857年开始整版邮票为200, 1858年起整版邮票仅为100枚。前两种纸张的邮票没有整版邮票留存下来,而170枚的白纸无水印整版邮票是否有存世也遭到严重的质疑。庆幸的是尚有边纸完好的100枚和200枚的整版邮票存世。



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