H.S.H. Prince Hans-Adam II von und zu Liechtenstein celebrates his 80th birthday on February 14, 2025. To mark the occasion, we are issuing a special souvenir sheet on the same day with the two stamps “80th Birthday” (face value CHF 3.10) and “H.S.H. Prince Hans-Adam II” (face value CHF 4.30) with a total value of CHF 7.40. A high-quality limited special edition will be issued at the same time. As part of this, the numbered stamp block printed on silk is presented in a gold folder with foil embossing.
汉斯-亚当二世亲王于第二次世界大战末期出生,是弗朗茨·约瑟夫二世亲王和吉娜公主的长子。他是列支敦士登王室的第15任在位亲王。他曾就读于圣加仑大学学习工商管理和经济学,同他的兄弟姐妹一起在瓦杜兹城堡长大。 The current Prince Regnant was born as the eldest son of Prince Franz Josef II and Princess Gina towards the end of the Second World War. He is the 15th reigning Prince of the House of Liechtenstein. Together with his siblings, he grew up at Vaduz Castle and studied business administration and economics at the University of St. Gallen after leaving school.1984年,弗朗茨·约瑟夫二世亲王委托长子汉斯·亚当二世参与执政。1989年11月13日,汉斯-亚当二世亲王在其父去世后正式继任。在婚姻方面,亲王与玛丽·阿格拉公主(1940-2021)结为伉俪,并育有四个孩子。2004年,亲王任命其长子阿洛伊斯摄政,协助处理国家事务。In 1984, Prince Franz Josef II entrusted the then Hereditary Prince with the affairs of state. Prince Hans-Adam II took over the regency after the death of his father on November 13, 1989. The Prince was married to Princess Marie-Aglaë (1940-2021) and is the father of four children. He appointed his eldest son Alois as his deputy in 2004.
