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标题: 2010邮币博览会参展须知
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1、 参展商在中国境内的商业活动须严格遵守中国现行的有关政策、法律及规定。
2、 参展商在博览会期间须服从组委会的统一安排和指挥,并给予主办者以充分理解及配合。
3、 参展商的商业行为不得与组委会发生直接或间接的冲突,从而损害主办单位的权益。未经组委会许可,任何参展商不得设计、发售博览会题材、图案的纪念性产品。
4、 未经组委会书面批准,不得擅自出售、转让或转租摊位。经组委会批准后,每位参展商只可与一个其他展商共用所租摊位。
5、 不允许在现场展示或销售伪造邮票、伪满洲邮票、1949年10月1日后台湾钱币、邮票、无鉴定邮币卡等非法商品及与博览会内容无关的商品。
6、 场馆内禁止私人贩卖及不适当的促销活动,禁止发放、放置有政治性问题及哗众的物品。
7、 现场商品的订价应合理并参考市价,严禁暴利。
8、 在销售过程中,一旦出现纠纷,应妥善处理,或通过组委会来调解,确保买卖双方的利益不受损害。
9、 所有参展商应在展前自行办妥有关人身财产保险事宜。在展会期间要特别注意安全,妥善保管个人财产、物品,如因自身原因发生意外,主办单位将不承担责任。
10、 博览会结束前,任何参展商未经组委会书面许可不得擅自撤离展位。
11、 所有涉及博览会的媒体宣传和商业广告需经组委会审批,避免出现错误、失实、夸大、不合理等内容。
12、 参展商须向海关如实申报展品的品种、数量、价格及面值,并安实际的销售额缴纳税金。
13、 参展商须确保所有租用物品无缺损,如有缺损,照价赔偿。
14、 场内严禁烟火。
15、 任何违反上述规定的行为,组委会将严肃对待和处理,后果自负。


Rules & Conditions for Attending Beijing International Stamp and Coin Exposition 2010
1. Exhibitors/dealers must strictly abide by China’s current relevant policies, laws, and provisions in all their business.
2. Exhibitors/dealers are expected to be complied with the unified arrangements and directions of the organizing committee during the exposition, and fully understand and cooperate with the sponsors.
3. No exhibitors/dealers may collide with the organizing committee directly or indirectly, thereby harm the rights and interests of the sponsors. Without permissions of the organizing committee, no exhibitors/dealers may design and sell souvenirs under the theme of this exposition or with featured patterns.
4. Without written authority forms the organizing committee, no exhibitors/dealers may sell, transfer, or relet their booth. With the approval of the organizing committee, each booth can be shared by only two exhibitors/dealers.
5. No exhibitors/dealers are allowed to display or sell illegal products, such as forged coins, Taiwan Coins (issued after Oct. 1, 1949), coins and medals without certificate of approval, and commodities irrelevant to the theme of this exhibition.
6. Peddling and improper promotion activities in the exhibition halls are forbidden. Release or display articles of political sensitivity or articles curry favor from the public are forbidden.
7. The price of on sale products must be reasonable and take into consideration of the market price, overcharging is strictly prohibited.
8. Unexpected disputes occurred during the sale should either be solved privately through appropriate approaches or seek for arbitration from the organizing committee, thus ensure the mutual benefits of both the buyer and the seller.
9. Exhibitors/dealers are advised to buy life insurance and cargo insurance before attending the exhibition. During the exposition, exhibitors/dealers should be especially alert to security affairs, insure the safety of their property and goods, the sponsors will not compensate for loses at the oversight of exhibitors/dealers.
10. Before the end of the exposition, no exhibitors/dealers may abandon their booth without the written approval from the organizing committee.
11. Propaganda on medias and other commercial advertisement relate to the exposition need to get approval from the organizing committee to avoid the occurrence of inaccurate and false publicity.
12. Exhibitors/dealers should faithfully declare to customs the breeds, quantity, price, and face value of their goods, and pay tax according to their actual sale.
13. Exhibitors/dealers must insure the intactness of their rented articles, and compensate at the original price once there are any loses.
14. Smoking and lighting fires in the Exhibition halls are strictly prohibited.
15. Any violation to the above regulations will be treated or punished seriously. Person concerned will take the consequences.

The right of final interpretation of this notice belongs to the Organizing Committee of 2010 Beijing International Stamps and Coins Exposition

2010/9/30 21:26:00

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